Created our Dallas, Texas POP.
Created our Ashburn, Virginia POP.
Launched our own data center that we became operators of the facilities. Psychz Networks design and implement power structure, cooling, and network paths. Became a recognized Inc 5000 company for one of the fastest growing companies in America. Created a diverse network paths and fiber assets within the Los Angeles area.
Increase visibility into the dedicated server market to help reseller grow their own VPS companies. We were experts in the field where many businesses came to us for suggestions for setup on hardware, implementation and integrations.
Entered the managed services for virtualization and dedicated and bare metal servers.
Deployed over 500,000 virtualization containers.
Enter the VPS market as demand was fueled by customers concerns and needs for additional customization require.
Tripled the revenue base with positive feed back from customers on its product and services. Nominated for fastest host that grew within 2008.
Celebrated its 100,000 client where the organization has stepped into a new frontier.
Board of directors was created where it allow our organization to grow to the next corporate structure.
Reseller hosting was formed to fuel the hot dot com boom that many businesses no longer trust large corporate businesses.
Shared hosting was formed to fill the void that many small businesses were needed to start their businesses online. IRC / Shells were created to allow ddos prone clients and security minded individual a way to create applications that suite their hobbies.